Eli5: Why do companies use the products of Oracle to store information, when they can just use spreadsheets like Excel, or make their own spreadsheet software?


I just can’t seem to comprehend how Oracle can be so wealthy off of making a database when it’s theoretically easy for a company to store its own information.

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13 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because why bother? Why bother paying your own employees to maintain or develop such things, and have them work across software versions and updates that may or may not be in their control. If you can pay a company for the convenience of not having to worry about it, then do it. Same reason most of these companies are profitable over these types of services. It’s cheaper and easier to have your own folks maintain and store it. It’s not just Oracle either. They in turn use other services to store and manage their software stack. Cloud companies like GCP, AWS, and Azure make billions and billions by providing software/infrastructure as a service.

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