Eli5: Why do/did (not sure if it’s still in practice) therapists hold up black and white splatter looking images and ask the client “what do you see?” What could their answer say about that person?


Eli5: Why do/did (not sure if it’s still in practice) therapists hold up black and white splatter looking images and ask the client “what do you see?” What could their answer say about that person?

In: Other

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It is still used in very rare circumstances. It is primarily used to detect schizophrenia.

There are no right answers.

There are lots of normal answers.

There are a handful of bad answers.

So if they get one of those handful of bad answers, and if it happens on several different blots, then that would be a flag for mental illness. It doesn’t prove anything outright, it just means that more investigation is needed.

For the fun of it, you can take a [modified Rorschach Test](https://openpsychometrics.org/tests/HEMCR/) online.

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