Eli5: Why do/did (not sure if it’s still in practice) therapists hold up black and white splatter looking images and ask the client “what do you see?” What could their answer say about that person?


Eli5: Why do/did (not sure if it’s still in practice) therapists hold up black and white splatter looking images and ask the client “what do you see?” What could their answer say about that person?

In: Other

7 Answers

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The Rorschach is called a “projective test” which means that they are supposed to tell a psychologist something about the person interpreting them. There is much less training available for the test because scoring a person’s response takes a lot of time and the training is very long, and there are other assessments that can help a psychologist understand their patient more efficiently that provide more information. The Rorschach was originally designed to assess a specific population of patients with a single set of symptoms, but it was applied more broadly to the general population.

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