Eli5: Why do emojis look different on PC and smartphones


From I usually observe, emojis on a computer aren’t as good (in terms of graphics) as they are on smartphones. Could anyone clear this little cloud of doubt in my head?

In: Technology

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The number and name of emojis is standardized in various unicode blocks in the same way that the “Basic Latin” unicode block says what the magic number is for an “F” or a “}”

But just like letters the actual representation varies. The letter F is always unicode U+0046 and if you use Tahoma it looks how you expect, if you use Comic Sans it looks a little soft and funny, but if you use Wingdings its a finger pointing to the right. Every company has their own representation of Emojis, they’re in a bit of a gray area where they’re probably not copyrightable but just not directly copying Apple’s avoids that legal fight entirely

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