eli5 – Why do eyebrows need to be threaded instead of using a blade


eli5 – Why do eyebrows need to be threaded instead of using a blade

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2 Answers

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Shaving just cuts the hair off where it emerges from the skin, so within a day, the blunt, cut off end will show again. It will not damage the hair follicle, so the hair will grow back.

Threading (or waxing, or tweezing) pulls the hair out from its root, so that it takes longer to grow back, and there is a fine end, rather than a blunt end. Over time, repeatedly doing this may damage the hair follicles, so some of the hairs may grow back crooked, or may never grow back at all.

You don’t *need* to do either, but you *can* do either, depending on how you feel about it.

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