eli5: why do fax machines sound like satan himself?


My job involves calling a lot of people, some of whom are listed under outdated phone numbers. Some of the phone numbers are apparently connected to fax machines now.

Why do they sound like that? It’s alarming. They make these bizarre computerized screeching noises. And they seem to keep going indefinitely until I hang up.

I understand it has to do with the radio transmission (??) but why does the caller need to hear this?

In: 5

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The screeching you’re hearing is the fax on the receiving end trying to contact the expected fax machine at the calling end. The fax signals go through the same voice-grade-channel that your voice does when speaking to someone on the other end, which is why you can hear the data. The modems (short for MODulator-DEModulator) know what they’re listening for. They take the entiretly of the received audio signal and break it down, looking at the various modulated frequency tones (which is all your voice is, by the way) and demodulate them into the appropriate data stream.

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