Eli5 Why do game breaking glitches exists? doesn’t the developers test theri game?


Why does game breaking glitches exist in videogames? Take for an instance the new call of duty weopon that shoots and kill thru walls or pathfinder in the new apex legends update were half the screen gets blocked when he uses is ability. Doesn’t the developers test updates before they launch it or whats happening? The changed the cooldown system on his ability and you still somehow manage to make him unplayable and you may think they would’ve noticed that if they were testing.

In: Technology

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Lets take an example: You tell your 7 yr old child to go buy milk, your instructions were: Walk along X road defined on the map, go into A store, buy B brand milk, pay the cashier and return home, avoid stranger on the way.

However, on the way, the kid see a wild Pedo bear walking along the road. It’s not on the list of instruction so it froze up. And maybe even drop the milk and run.

Unexpected things can happen during playing that the code was never intended to act, in most cases they ignore or restrict the player from performing the action, but every blue moon or so, the codes cross, so you’re stuck in the logic loop where the kid doesn’t know if he is to run the other direction or continue following instruction.

When tester test game and updates, they’re testing the road and instructions, they arnt exactly seeing the sceneries thus will probably miss the appearance of a pedo bear along the road.

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