Eli5 Why do game breaking glitches exists? doesn’t the developers test theri game?


Why does game breaking glitches exist in videogames? Take for an instance the new call of duty weopon that shoots and kill thru walls or pathfinder in the new apex legends update were half the screen gets blocked when he uses is ability. Doesn’t the developers test updates before they launch it or whats happening? The changed the cooldown system on his ability and you still somehow manage to make him unplayable and you may think they would’ve noticed that if they were testing.

In: Technology

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Imagine you stocked a store with 100,000 items for sale, in various places all throughout your building. Where you and a couple of your team may try very hard to keep things orderly and up to date, that’s a lot of items to go through alone.

Now imagine your store opens and you get many thousands of people walking through and checking your products out. You’ll very quickly find issues with your stock, whether they be minor or major.

Software testing is a slippery slope of cost vs reward. You pay very high wages to bring to market product that depending on the complexity, your team, and how long/how much you’re willing to pay. Often the risk of glitches being caught by the community isn’t just a risk, it’s an active game plan, and your team becomes reactionary to the worst glitches first and then parse through the simpler ones.

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