eli5 why do games have so many dll files?


eli5 why do games have so many dll files?

In: Technology

4 Answers

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A DLL is a Dynamic Link Library – they are, basically, reusable code. When I make a game and and am writing code to handle user input, I can choose to code that in the EXE, or I can code it in a DLL.

When I make a 2nd game, if I put the code in a DLL I can reference it, and then use it without having to write that code all over again. I can reference that DLL in any number of programs I want, and be able to use the code over and over again.

Game developers usually create these for input handling, audio playback and effects, graphics shaders and particle effects, etc. The game itself then is comparable to a building, and the DLLs are the bricks.

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