Eli5: Why do headaches occur when we use our phone too long in a moving car?


Eli5: Why do headaches occur when we use our phone too long in a moving car?

In: Biology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

[You strain your tissues by being in a bad position for too long](https://www.brightonsportstherapy.co.uk/physiotherapy-alternative/headaches-migraines)

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s all about putting a strain on your eyes.

Using your phone too much can put a strain on your eyes, causing a headache. This is due to the blue light of your device, the surrounding lighting, so on and so forth.

The car also moves, meaning when you use your phone in the car, when the car bounces your phone moves. Meaning your eyes have to follow the movement of the phone which puts a strain on them.

Combine both of these factors with the fact that whatever you’re doing in your phone is very small, plus the movement of the vehicle, plus the blue light and poor lighting, headaches aren’t too surprising.