eli5: Why do hugs feel like everything is going to be okay?

247 viewsBiologyOther

Title. What’s the science behind hugs being so functional?

In: Biology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There’s a lot of [reasons](https://www.healthline.com/health/hugging-benefits#4.-Hugs-can-make-you-happier)! The thing I think you’re talking about is called oxytocin or the “cuddle/happy hormone” This is a hormone that tells your brain you are content and safe and one of the ways to make your brain release it is through touch. This can be hugs, hand holding, and even sex or birth.

It’s basically because hugs make your body release the health juice you use to magically heal in video games

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s a conditioning from when you were little. As a baby and a small child, you were held and cradled by parents. When you were tiny you couldn’t look after yourself so you relied on your parents for all of your safety. When they held you, you knew you were safe and looked after. So now as an adult, being held and cuddled brings the same feelings of warmth and safety.