[ELI5] Why do hybrid vehicles charge the battery using the engine?


In hybrid vehicles, I know the battery can be recharged using regenerative braking, but I also see them sometimes recharge the battery using the engine directly. Why would they do this? It seems like it would be better to use the motor just to move the vehicle. Why go gas -> engine -> battery -> wheels?

In: 5

8 Answers

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When the engine is charging the battery, it can do so while constantly staying in a high efficiency zone because it can run at certain torque and speed regardless of the vehicle’s velocity because it’s not connected to the wheels. And the motor is very efficient at moving the vehicle. Let’s say the engine charges at 35% efficiency and the motor works at 90% efficiency, that’s 35%*90%=31.5% efficiency.

Where as if you use the engine to drive the vehicle directly, depending on the speed and torque, its efficiency varies wildly from let’s say 5% to 35%. In most cases it’s worse than the series hybrid option.

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