Eli5: Why do kids car seats expire?


Is there any reason why car seats have an expiration date? Is it just BS or are there legitimate safety concerns? Btw I don’t have kids, so I’m not basing any decisions on this post.

In: Other

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Car seats are primarily plastic components and are designed to absorb a lot of energy in the event of a car accident

Over time with changes in temperature and UV exposure the physical properties of plastics change. You don’t want to find out *during* a crash that your seat went through a few too many thermal cycles and isn’t quite up to the loading anymore so there are expiration dates on them to make sure they get swapped out every 5-10 years which is generally 2-3x as long as a single kid can actually use them for

Car seats are probably most similar to helmets which are also recommended to be replaced every 3-5 years even if you don’t have an impact with it

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