eli5: Why do machine guns or gatling guns have to spin to shoot?


Just playing Call of Duty and noticed the death machine spins and I always wondered why.

In: Engineering

25 Answers

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I’ll attempt an actual ELI5 answer:

A Gatling gun is actually several guns glued together. The ammo has to go into each gun. The guns are turned around in a circle so the ammo can go into each gun.

For an in depth, non-ELI5 answer, check out Forgotten Weapons video about the modern version of a Gatling gun: the M134 minigun: https://youtu.be/rIlwHT4IdRc

Also side note: you referred to “machine guns”and Gatling guns as though they are the same when they aren’t really. (To commenters: don’t get super pedantic on me) A typical “machine gun” is something like an M249, M60, or PKM with a single barrel and the bolt cycles forward and back using the gas from the firing shot. A minigun has multiple barrels and is electrically driven rather than gas operated.

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