ELI5- why do medications cause weight gain?


I know with weight loss as a side effect it’s often due to decreased appetite and eating less. Does it cause the opposite with the side effect weight gain? You become more hungry?

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5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

One I have experience with is corticosteroids.

They cause weight gain by:

* Water retention
* Increased appetite
* Increased stress (needing endorphins to counteract, so you will probably over-eat)
* They slow down your metabolism, meaning the same calorie intake as before will make you fatter
* They change your metabolism and where it puts fat – preferring face and stomach which make you appear fatter
* Making it mentally harder to exercise due to stress

AFAIK no medication is guaranteed to cause weight gain, if you understand how the medicine causes it you can counteract it. EG, by drinking lots of water, taking a diuretic, meditation, exercise, changing diet to fill you up with few calories (fresh popcorn for example).

It’s not pleasant and weight gain is the last thing somebody sick wants to give a shit about and they all have my sympathy

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