Eli5: Why do most coats and winter jackets only cover our torsos, leaving our legs to get soaked through our pants?


I love walking in the rain and having the upper half of my body stay dry. Why must the bottom half get drenched?

In: Other

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

This is better in r/answers.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Coats and winter jackets are meant to provide insulation/warmth. You should look into trench coats, or rain coats. There ARE jackets that cover your legs, you’re just not looking for the right type of jacket.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Get a trenchcoat, they can be as cheap as 20$ at thrift and surplus stores.

Also, historically people wear wool pants or sweatpants under regulars. Canvas that’s been doped, etc.

The whole “jacket and nothing else” is a modern style stemming from vehicles with heaters and buildings with stoves.