Eli5 Why do non English original language films have vastly diferent translations between dub and sub?


Eli5 Why do non English original language films have vastly diferent translations between dub and sub?

In: Technology

7 Answers

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Translation of any kind of work have two different and competing goals. First, the accurate translation of the work so it can be understood in a different language. Second, the translation of the meaning, tone, symbolism, and general ‘feeling’ of the work. The best translation can do both, but most focus on one or the other depending upon their purpose. A translation for a dramatic, creative , expressive, or poetic work or a song will generally place importance on fitting the rhythm and ‘meaning’ of the work, rather then the exact word for word translation. A scientific or technical work will do the exact opposite, no matter how many footnotes are required to make the work understandable.

A dub must fit with the pace of the scene, and try to pretend the other language doesn’t exist. A sub can put as much text on the screen as fast as it can to explain whatever it needs to.

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