Eli5 why do people have Aphantasia?


I recently got told that people are actually able to visualise images in their head, something which I cannot do, which brought me to the condition of Aphantasia.

Why is this something that I cannot do?

In: 31

9 Answers

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a study on this came out a few years ago. through functional brain imaging, they determined that the ability to see vivid images in your head (hyperphantasia) comes from activity located in the fusiform face area (area in your brain that recognizes faces), posterior cingulate (which activates during visual tasks), and the parrahippocampal gyrus (plays an important role in memory). we dont know the exact reasoning as to why some people have the ability to understand why people can or cant see images in their heads, however we are at least able to understand some of the physical mechanisms behind it

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