Eli5 why do people have Aphantasia?


I recently got told that people are actually able to visualise images in their head, something which I cannot do, which brought me to the condition of Aphantasia.

Why is this something that I cannot do?

In: 31

9 Answers

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I embarassingly just heard of aphantasia a few months ago (im 37 :/ ), and it still bewilders me that some people can’t imagine pictures. My brain *only* sees in pictures – when i think if words, i see a picture of the word (usually in a ghetto 90’s 3d Printshop font).

It does make reading fiction an extremely slow process for me because everything i read is converted into brain pictures (in the case if reading, scenes are easier for my brain to create than each word individually). if my brain gets tired of doing that (fiction is like a brain power overload), it shuts off and i will usually read up to 5ish pages without knowing what i just read because my headspace is just a black void.

Needless to say, i dislike reading fiction because it takes so long. I can’t speed-read because my brain can’t keep up without pausing and forming everything i just read to “bank” what it is processing.

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