Eli5: Why do people love being gifted flowers – not in a pot, but as a bouquet?


I always feel kind of sad for the flowers, who, just because they are beautiful, have to end up dying to express love. So I’m wondering what about it do people find attractive? Why not in a large pot? Why does it have to be in a bouquet?

In: Other

6 Answers

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Not everyone likes cut flowers. Flowers that are grown to be cut are grown in huge greenhouses and are bred to have beautiful blooms and to be hardy for transport. Their only purpose in life is to be cut and enjoyed by the person who receives them.

Giving them is often seen as kind and thoughtful, as they are bright and cheery. As well, since flowers are not something anyone “needs” like food and shelter, they are a small extravagance that many people do not buy for themselves.

Giving someone a potted plant is not always preferable. A potted plant is an obligation. The recipient has to water it, fertilize it, find a sunny window for it, keep their pets away from it, prune it, and possibly re-pot it after it grows – and if they go away for a few weeks they have to arrange for it to be watered. If they don’t do some of these things then it will die and they may feel bad about “killing” it.

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