They do not. Do you have some sort of documentation that you could point to that indicates this is the case? Have you had this happen to yourself personally? If so what worsened before improving?
Totally anecdotal, but I have a B12 deficiency that is managed through intramuscular injections. I did not experience worsening of symptoms at the start of my treatment/supplementation. This in and of itself is enough to prove your statement false, but it is possible that I am just an exception to a general rule.
I was in charge of the medical library at a state mental hospital. A woman was admitted with profound dementia. Her admission Complete Blood Count show no hint of anemia but the appearance of her white blood blood cell showed very strong evidence of a B12 deficiency.
I talked to her psychiatrist about it he said, B12 is safe enough, I’m just going to give her a shot of B12 and see what happens.
In a day or so he entered her room and she sitting on the edge of her lucid as can be and said, “I’m sorry, but I don’t have any idea how got here or where I am.”
He explained, “You are at State Hospital and I’m your Psychiatrist but you don’t need a Psychiatrist, you just need to see your family doctor once a month for the shot that will keep you out of here.
She went home feeling fine.
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