Eli5: Why do so many antidepressants have sucidal thoughts as a possible side effect?


Eli5: Why do so many antidepressants have sucidal thoughts as a possible side effect?

In: Other

7 Answers

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One of the symptoms of depression is a lack of desire to do things—anything. Getting out of bed; making a meal; cleaning; bathing; exercising; brushing your teeth; etc.

When you start to take antidepressants—and they start to take affect after 4-6 weeks—the underlining “cause” of your depression hasn’t changed; however, you may feel more able to do things.

At the back of your mind, you have had suicidal ideations but just couldn’t be bothered to act on them. Just like you couldn’t be bothered getting out of bed.

Now, you are starting to feel a little more active, however, you still have suicidal thoughts. This is a perfect storm for such a person to try to / commit suicide.

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