[ELI5] Why do some countries use second-level domain country codes (.co.uk or .co.za) and others do not?


[ELI5] Why do some countries use second-level domain country codes (.co.uk or .co.za) and others do not?

In: Technology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

TLDR: The DNS is a total mess where none of the established rules really matter.

Back in the days when DNS was brand new some nations decided that it would be a good idea to use second-level domains to have their own versions of .com, .net, and .org

.co.uk is supposed to mean a commercial business in the UK

While other countries like Canada adopted second level domains to refer the provinces

.nb.ca New Brunswick . Canada

This implementation was up to the various nations, and since it was a new technology they just kinda ran with it.

However in the real world people soon abandoned these standards because they weren’t enforced. Web developers and companies used different top-level domains as marketing gimmicks instead of what they actually stood for.

Canada for instance rarely uses the provincial domains anymore. While companies are using Domains belonging to the island chain of Tuvalu .tv and claiming it means television when it doesn’t.

While other companies bought up every of .org, .net, and .com domains that were even remotely close to their company name just to prevent other companies from using them.

Knowing this kind of thing drives my OCD mad.

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