Eli5: Why do some nations use an Internet address suffix derived from their English name and others use the native nation name?


IE, why does Japan use .jp and not .ni? While Germany uses .de and not .ge?

In: Technology

6 Answers

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Most of the top level country domains, (such as .de or .tw) were (mostly) directly taken from earlier assigned two-letter country codes used in other international things, such as banking, and were defined and agreed upon international standards. Generally, these two letter codes were derived from the English names, but there are lots exceptions.

You can look at all the top level domains [here](https://www.worldstandards.eu/other/tlds/) and see its a pretty jumbled bag between english language names and not as there are plenty of english and plenty of ones that are in local languages or other changes. Only a few countries had “issues” with their codes, notably, the UK’s assigned two-letter codes in previous international standards is generally gb, but for the country domain, they decided to use .uk

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