Eli5: Why do sparrows fly together and most importantly why do they sway together?


Who is leading the group? What’s their goal in making the formation? Are they hunting together?

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4 Answers

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The birds have, as far I know, no real leader but follow a simple rule when flying. Every bird position itself an exact distance to the surrounding birds. This means if one bird is moving more to i.e. the left will the neighboring bird also move to reestablish the exact distance again, and this make the next bird move and so on, all out to the last bird.

The reason for any animal to move in groups is because if a predator is wanting to hunt, is the chance of one particular animal being the victim, very low compared to if it was alone. But also when hundreds of animals, all are keeping an eye out, is the chance of spotting the predator way better than if only one animal had t look out for itself.

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