eli5 – Why do squirrels usually stop while moving before continuing moving?


eli5 – Why do squirrels usually stop while moving before continuing moving?

In: 13

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

To have a more acute perception of the outlying dangers. Think of it like when you are arriving soon to a new friend’s house, you usually lower the car volume. It allows the brain to keep focus and reduce distractiveness. They do the same, they stop to analyze their environment.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Could you explain your question to me like I am 5?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Squirrels stay safe partly by being unpredictable. If a predator knows that a squirrel will just run to the nearest tree when threatened, it can try to cut it off and beat it to the tree. By being unpredictable, a squirrel increases its chance of survival. Maybe it will run to the tree. But maybe it will pause. Or run to a farther tree. Or change back and forth several times. It makes them hard to catch.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’ve read that it makes a squirrel harder for a predator bird to catch. Interestingly, I’ve noticed that the squirrels around here rarely do that on the roads these days. I’m thinking that natural selection (by cars) has bred that tendency out of them. They tend to run straight across now.

Anonymous 0 Comments

As far as I’m aware everyone stops moving while moving then continues moving. Is there another way?!? 🙊