Eli5 why do supermarkets wrap fruit and veg in plastic when they have their own protective layering?


Eli5 why do supermarkets wrap fruit and veg in plastic when they have their own protective layering?

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5 Answers

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Plastic packaging have several advantages:

1) it’s hygienic, because even if an ass scratching booger picker touches the fruit you’ll going to take, the fruit itself won’t be “contaminated”.

2) it can preserve the fruit for longer. Some fruits starts to decay when exposed to some molecules emited by other fruits (ethylene on apple for example), and by having them in a plastic wrap, you avoid your fruits to be in contact with other fruits, meaning that they will rot slower.

3) It’s safer for the shop. Let’s say that you are a shop selling two kinds of Granny apple, one is significantly pricier than the other, and the only difference between the twos is a brand sticker on one of the two apples. Well an bad intended person, or a non attentive customer/cashier could confuse one for the other, and the shop could lose quite some money in the process. By having the fruits wrapped, you add a security so you sell your fruits at their intended price.

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