eli5 Why do viruses on computers even exist?


Like I understand maybe wanting to get information maybe from like big government sources or something, but why do these viruses also target random people?
What is there to gain from screwing up a random person’s software?
Like is it just to be petty or are they gathering data??

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24 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

If we’re talking about classic viruses like Chernobyl, there are several elements to this. A lot of this is mischievous instinct, but its also done for clout among hackers, the more successful the virus the better. The same can be used as a tech reel for a hacker that wants to be hired.

Eventually its about finding a vulnerability and exploiting it with a file that finds its way into systems.

In the more modern sense its about spying and stealing password/personal/credit card data to do financial crimes.

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