Eli5: Why do we easier learn something we find interesting?


Let’s say I’m concentrating equally much while learning something I find interesting and something I don’t, I’ll still learn the things I found more interesting better than the things I didn’t find interesting?

In: Biology

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Simply put, it’s because you’re more invested in learning that thing. If you really love marine biology and you’re at a conference and one speaker talks about dolphin habits and the second speaker talks about how toaster ovens are built, you’re probably going to be paying more attention to that first speaker and investing more energy into remembering what she says. And you’re probably not going to be paying as much attention to the anatomy of a toaster oven given by the second speaker – you might be hearing and listening to what the speaker says, but your brain is saying, “This is useless information so I don’t need to save it in the long-term memory banks.”

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