eli5: Why do we fall asleep faster on the couch than in our own bed?


eli5: Why do we fall asleep faster on the couch than in our own bed?

In: Other

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I read into this a few months back where I was having sleep issues and could only fall asleep on the couch.

The long story short of it is basically the way your mind views each place. My couch was only used to kick back, relax, and space out whereas when I was in bed I would be on my phone, eating, doing work on my laptop or watching TV. My brain didn’t know what I was in my bed to do whereas it knew as soon as I sat on the couch I was relaxing.

Its weird to think your brain can get confused by conscious decisions but once I started doing everything on the couch and took the TV out of my room I started getting to sleep faster and have better, deeper sleep.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I think planning to fall asleep plays a big factor here, on the couch you don’t plan it, in bed you get nervous because you feel the need to sleep which makes it more difficult.
Using your bed strictly for sleeping and not “chilling” makes it in my opinion easier