Eli5: Why do we NEED to drink water?


I just don’t understand it enough to motivate me to drink enough. Hoping to “see” something in the explanations that will open the floodgates. 🙂

In: Biology

7 Answers

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Your body is made up of around 60% of it.

It uses water as a solvent to clean out dirt and grime.

It combines water with other things to make lubrication for your joints.

Your blood cells cannot travel without it and without it your blood becomes a sludge that your heart can’t move.

Your eyes are only round because of the water inside them. Without water, you could not see.

You use water to balance as well, little tubes in your ears use water like the accelerometer in your phone to be able to tell where down is.

You need water to breathe safely as it helps filter out pollutants in the nose and even the throat.

You need water to eat, otherwise your throat would be so dry food would stick to it and you would choke.

You need water to move as electricity moves through fluid the nerves are coated and surrounded in and the muscles would be dry and brittle otherwise.

You need water to keep your skin flexible instead of stiff and hard like leather.

You need water to even survive! Your brain – containing all that you are and will be – is basically a sea slug in a calcium jar. It sits in a carefully balanced and carefully pressurized mix of water and other things we call Cerebrospinal Fluid. Since it is about the same density as the brain – which itself is mostly water – it helps hold the brain in place and protect it from impact. It helps prevent collisions with the skull. It keeps the brain wet so that electricity and chemicals and all sorts of things can move through it and allow you to learn and think and grow and flow through the world like the water-based being that you are.

We never truly left the sea… We just learned how to take it with us.

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