ELI5- why do we need to find different ways to generate electricity if the main thing is turning the turbine? Can’t people turn it manually?


ELI5- why do we need to find different ways to generate electricity if the main thing is turning the turbine? Can’t people turn it manually?

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8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Easiest example: an iPhone 13 Pro Max battery contains ~16 Watt-hours. That’s enough energy to lift a 1000kg (one metric ton) block of concrete to a height of 5 meters (16.4 feet).

So you’ll have to do that every morning to charge your phone. And that’s just your phone!

Same amount of energy to use a microwave for 60 seconds.

Same amount of energy to use an electric stove burner for 30 seconds.

You’d die of exhaustion. 🙂

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