eli5, why do we need to keep out backs/spines straight when before we were born we where in the fetal position?


Bad posture can lead to back pain. Why is a curved back bad posture when we spend the first months of our lives with a that posture?

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4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because your bones haven’t fully developed by then. For the first couple of months, you don’t even *have* bones. And while most of your cartilage has begun to be replaced by bone by the time you’re born, you’re still pretty flexible.

Anonymous 0 Comments

A natural curve is healthy. Unnatural/crooked/forced positions is what can be damaging. The “sit up/stand up straight”as “good” posture is rooted more in social etiquette
(arbitrary rules) than health or science. The only “bad” posture is a posture you’re staying in for too long at a time.

Anonymous 0 Comments

In utero you do not have to fight the force of gravity through standing up. Your bones are not fully calcified and are more supple to help w the birthing process, etc.

Something like this, if not exact, I see in weight lifting circles is the notion that one should squat like a toddler. I have a teo year old and she does have a pretty natural and impressive squat form. The issue is, her femur/hip to leg ratio is cartoonish compared to an adult humans. We should not squat like they do bc of our different body structure. Adult squatting mechanics are different. The same is true w the spine; a developing baby is supported on all sides by a fluid filled womb and has no need to have a straight spine like a child/adult does.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The first few months of life we live in a confined space that allows only for that curved position, we come out and are cradled until we begin sleeping on flat surfaces and still some find resting after a long day, a chair more comfortable to relax and drift to sleep in.

I betchya at one point in history we were placed in sleeping quarters/furniture akin to the types of infant”soothing” devices we added unhealthy vibration to (I’m always concerned about things like those causing the continuous effect of what shaken baby syndrome causes. I forget the brand name of those vibrating baby bassinet/side to side swings but Always left my son’s off and had to prove to my husband at the time it was more dangerous than soothing for a baby. It’s a disgusting trade the baby product market. The size of fine print is enough of a wide open F-you to new parents to deserve a full investigation of genocide