Eli5: why do we sometimes wake up in a really bad mood after a mid-afternoon nap?


This is something that happens to me from time to time since I was a kid.

I would take a nap after lunch, on a day like today. Then sometimes wake up feeling disoriented and depressed. Other times I’d feel fine.

What causes this specifically and why does it only happen sometimes?

In: 183

34 Answers

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Please anyone who sees this, try this once. This is a trick popular by navy seals and is such a great tool to have in your back pocket. I used to take long naps and wake up and my day was ruined, never fully felt like I woke up

Whenever you have a desire to nap here’s what you do: lie down on your back, elevate your feet 6-12 inches above your heart, and set an alarm for 10-20 minutes. You will wake up feeling more rested then ever and it’s almost therapeutic.

I have done this in many ways, on the floor with my feet on a stool, in my bed with my feet on 3 pillows stacked, and on a couch with my feet on the arm rest. I will set an alarm for usually 15 minutes, throw on a podcast and just lie there.

I have ADHD so this can feel difficult when you first lie down. Keep this in mind, you may truly never feel like you fall asleep and that it isn’t going to work. I find myself falling asleep while still sort of being awake. The first 5 minutes I spend moving and adjusting cause I can’t help myself, but every time without fail once I get a grip and just lie there, it works it’s magic. Don’t feel like you are doing it wrong, 10 minutes in you might not feel like it’s going to work but I promise just lie there and distract yourself and you will be shocked at the results.

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