eli5: Why do women have lower peak strength compared men?


I’ve always been curious about how some (most in my experience) women who are considered at peak fitness levels are still weaker than men who are in average shape. It’s been described as “body chemistry” but I’ve never truly understood why. There are absolutely some exceptions, but even when looking at fitness charts, men are expected to be stronger than women in every category. Why?

In: Biology

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

A toy designer makes two model robots. In type 1 he puts stronger engines, and larger frames, in type 2 he puts more flexible parts. One is made to hit and lift heavy stuff, the other is made to precisely and gently do things which need a soft touch. Both are fantastic equally but are not identical.

In general, men are designed with more muscle and a larger and stronger bone build. This resulting in more strength output. Women are designed with more flexibility in connective tissue. Testosterone, growth at puberty, height, and other factors play a large part. There are exceptions but average body types find these to be true.

This can be seen in sports on a competitive level in table tennis for example. The playing style at top level relies greatly on a powerful finishing move based on strength. That can only be countered with another finishing move. Hence making it difficult for a woman to return the counter and making the top people men.

Why were they like that? It’s part of the design from the God who made us. Man made is to do the heavy labour, while woman are better are things which need a caring, gentle touch, such as nurturing a child. Both are fantastic equally but are not identical.

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