eli5: Why do you feel less hungry the longer you don’t eat?


So when your body is expecting food and you don’t eat you obviously get those strong hunger pains, but why does that feeling begin to die down if you leave it for a bit?

In: 29

9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

So the body knows when the usual time is for you to eat (btw takes around 3 weeks to change the clock if you ever want to switch up things)

around these times you will get hungry. When the time passes you will get less hungry again. You body is still missing the nutrients and will “try again later” but in general there is one big reason why the hunger dies down:

You cant concentrate on Hunting your prey if you are hungry as fuck. You didnt get your food. tough luck but you have enough fat reserves, so time to burn some of your own fat (admitted that process takes a while to kick in) and go full strength full power into that next hunt!

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