eli5: Why does a room with air-conditioning only feel colder compared to both air conditioning and a fan?


eli5: Why does a room with air-conditioning only feel colder compared to both air conditioning and a fan?

In: Other

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because when you turn on both the ac and the fan, the cooling effect of the ac is negated by the fan.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Air conditioners take the humidity out of the air too. Fans just move air so you feel cooler by convection but you’re really not

Anonymous 0 Comments

The fan turning in a room actually heats the room by introducing motion and heat from its motor (which is also within the room). You feel the wind it generates and that feels good because the cold air is distributed all around the room due to the fan but the actual motion of the fan is warming the room ever so slightly. The air conditioner is actually taking the heat from the room and venting it outside. (The air conditioner’s motor, compressor and hot components are outside the room)