eli5: Why does air feel colder when you’re in motion?


eli5: Why does air feel colder when you’re in motion?

In: Physics

5 Answers

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Imagine you took a boiling pot of water and put it on the table and leave it there. After a while, when you remove the pot, the table underneath feels pretty hot.

Now imagine you put the pot on the table, but this time whenever you set it down, you pick it back up again and keep it moving around. If you touch the table after this, no part of the table feels hot at all.

This is because the pot never stayed in one place, and so not much heat was transferred from the pot to the table.

The same logic applies to you when you are moving. When you are still, the air around you heats up to match your body temperature. When you’re moving around, this doesn’t happen, so it feels colder.

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