eli5: Why does air feel colder when you’re in motion?


eli5: Why does air feel colder when you’re in motion?

In: Physics

5 Answers

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It’s important to understand how heat is transferred. Hot things are basically particles that are moving fast, and cool things are those moving slow. So heat is basically the speed at which particles move, and they transfer it by numbing into each other. Think of number cars, if one is still and another one is moving fast and bumps into it, the one that is still starts moving and the one that was moving slows down a bit.
Okay so now thinking of your body, air particles hit your skin and your heat is transferred onto them, but they usually stay around the surface area of your skin and slowly spread out. Which means that you lose your heat slowly. Not when there is wind, those particles are now being pushed away from the general area of your skin and your body is transferring heat to new particles, faster. Which means you are losing more heat that you would if they were hanging around your skin.

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