eli5 why does alcohol effect different people


As a bartender i see a variety of different individuals under the influence but there are no similarites between them. What creates a difference and or complete change in a person when they drink alcohol?

In: Biology

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

When an object is acting upon a different object, it is “affect”.

When an object does something as a result of being acted upon it, it is “effect”.

Anonymous 0 Comments

People do not change when they drink. They just stop holding back. Also as a bartender you should have at some point gone through a training program that shows you very clearly why different people react differently. Including but not limited too, body weight, body fat content, being male or female, tolerance, or even genetic predisposition. So yeah those people that get annoying or douchy when they drink, it’s cause they are naturally annoying and they can’t handle thier liquor

Anonymous 0 Comments

People are different when sober, it only makes sense they’d be different while drunk. Something else to consider is that alcohol affects people differently based on height, age, body fat content, how much water they’re consuming with alcohol, etc. Even though it seems people are drinking the same amount of alcohol, they’ll feel it differently.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’m gonna go out on a limb here and assume they aren’t all the same person when they are sober?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) are enzymes that break alcohol down to different components. Some people have a lot of ADH and are able to drink more heavily with alcohol having less impact on them. They can and do get drunk, they just have to drink more to do so. These folks often have few bad effects from alcohol like hangovers.

Others have very little ADH, and when they drink even a little, the partially broken down alcohol turns into substances that cause unpleasant side effects. They might get a histamine reaction–flushing, itching. They might get sleepy. (Some people really do drink half a beer and fall asleep on the couch.)

People in the second group can power through, but most find the effects of alcohol unpleasant and don’t drink much. Those in the first group are prime candidates for problem drinking because they’re able to drink regularly, and in increasingly high amounts as their body gets used to higher and higher amounts of alcohol (this is what we call tolerance).

Most of us fall somewhere in the middle of these two extreme groups, with some ADH to help break down alcohol, but not so much that we escape consequences from overconsumption.

[This video gives a simple explanation.](https://youtu.be/pSm7BcQHWXk)

Anonymous 0 Comments

Everyone is different…. some medications also can change the effect of alcohol in people. I used to black out….still functioning ordering drinks etc…gingerbfitzgerald checked out, just a passenger.