eli5: Why does apple juice expire if you leave it for a month but when you turn it into Alcohol it is okay to drink it even if it aged for months?


eli5: Why does apple juice expire if you leave it for a month but when you turn it into Alcohol it is okay to drink it even if it aged for months?

In: 3

7 Answers

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Proper fermentation involves preparing the medium by restricting all other unwanted microbes and allowing yeast (naturally occurring or added by the winemaker) to convert sugar into alcohol. Once fermentation into alcohol has occurred to a certain extent, the result is somewhat toxic to most microbial growth and will keep for a long time. (this is why alcohol is a very good disinfectant)

Randomly allowing apple juice to spoil is rather unreliable as there is a good chance that the juice spoils through unwanted microbial growth rather than yeast fermentation.

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