Eli5: Why does beer do that thing when hit with another beer on its cap


Eli5: Why does beer do that thing when hit with another beer on its cap

In: Chemistry

4 Answers

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If you hit on top of a bottle you create a shockwave traveling downwards. If it hits the bottom it gets reflected and interferes with the shockwave coming from the top (you can see the same effect when you create a wave in your bathtub – when it hits the wall the waves start to look different). This creates some high and some low preassure areas (like the wavepeaks in your bathtub (more water above the floor -> more preassure) ).
Why is this important you ask? What? You didn’t ask? Too bad, I will tell you anyway:
Gas dissolves in liquids, because the preassure above the liquid keeps the gas inside. When the preassure is lower, the gas leaves the liquid. In some drinks, like beer, there is so much gas inside, that it wants to leave, but the gas is surrounded by so much liquid, that it can’t escape.
In these low preassure areas the gas can actually escape the liquid and form tiny gas-bubbles. on the surface of these bubbles more gas can escape and form bigger bubbles. These big bubbles are what makes you go “dude wtf” on partys, when someone hits your beer.

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