Eli5: Why does chilli burn your ring on the way out?


Eli5: Why does chilli burn your ring on the way out?

In: Biology

6 Answers

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Anonymous 0 Comments

Capsaicin, the substance that causes the spiciness does not get fully digested. Since “hot” sensation from eating spicy food is just capsaicin reacting with the nerve cells in the mucosa of your mouth/lips/tongue, it does the same thing to the nerve endings in your anus, also covered in mucosa.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Capsaicin in spicy foods binds to a specific sensory receptor in your oral mucosa, which causes the characteristic burning sensation.

Your anal mucosa contains that same sensory receptor, and so it’s susceptible to this effect from capsaicin coming out the other end.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I think how the food is made, and what is used to add spiciness, also affects this. I’m an aficionado of spicy food, and while this does happen occasionally to me still, it is rare for it to happen after I eat spicy food.

Anonymous 0 Comments

TRVP1 is a receptor in your mouth anus and skin to an extent that capsaicin bonds to and sends a signal to the nerve. Burning your asshole.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are a lot of nerve endings in your anus for an evolutionary reason so you can’t be detected by predators. the game of fart or crap had even higher stakes for early primates