Eli5: Why does counterfeit money need to be “washed”?


I’ve been watching way too much Good Girls. Why does counterfeit money need to be “washed”? Why can’t you just spend it like a normal person spending normal money?

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8 Answers

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In theory you could spend it on every day purchases like gas and groceries and such but if you go to make large purchases like cars or houses and decide to pay in all cash the seller is gonna do their research and make sure you are someone who could likely have that amount of money in cash and that’s where a person would run into issues. Washing it makes it clean in the sense that you now have a reputable source as to how you got the money. If someone just showed up to buy a house with half a million in cash it would raise some eyebrows but if that person also happens to own a restaurant business they can slowly push the money through that front and make it show up as legitimate money in terms of profits from the restaurant.

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