Eli5: Why does gravity work? Like I get what it is but why does gravity exists?


Eli5: Why does gravity work? Like I get what it is but why does gravity exists?

In: Physics

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

We don’t know *why* it exists.

There are interesting philosophical arguments that if some aspect of the universe wasn’t the way it is, we couldn’t exist, but that doesn’t really explain why. Like a fish could ask “why does water exist?”. If it didn’t, the fish asking the question couldn’t exist. But that’s not really a good answer to why water exists.

There are cool mathematical models of universes that are very different from our universe, and some may have no gravity. But a cool concept may not (and probably doesnt) answer the question either.

It would take a physics theory which gives gravity (and all the other basic aspects of the universe) plus a way to prove that it is the one correct theory of the universe. That probably will never happen.

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