ELI5, Why does handwriting vary so much, even among a set of people with the same writing tools, technique, style and script?


ELI5, Why does handwriting vary so much, even among a set of people with the same writing tools, technique, style and script?

In: Biology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The size of their hands, their ability to mimic a design on paper, and their ability to hold a pencil all have to do with this. Some people will try to stay with the exact format of how they learned to write and some will add beautification to letters or some will be lazy and just try to get the message across through sloppy lettering. It all stems back how a person viewed handwriting when first learning how to do so. There are many factors but I believe it has to do with a concentration differentiation that stuck at an early age.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because you have to learn it and there are no strict standards for how it should look beyond being intelligible. Even that last part goes out the window a lot of the time, as I’m sure we’ve all experienced more than once. Especially these days, with nearly all writing being done on keyboards of one form or another.

Writing nicely takes effort and people need a reason to invest effort into something. If they don’t have to, and don’t want to, they won’t.

But if people do have to learn how to write a certain way, they’ll all write in that certain way. It can be taught and learned, people just don’t care to when they don’t have to.