Eli5 Why does heartburn hurt heart? the area around heart ?


Eli5 Why does heartburn hurt heart? the area around heart ?

In: Biology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

So you have a bunch of nerves near where your esophagus and stomach meet. Heartburn is when you get a reflux of stomach juice coming back into the esophagus and usually just sitting on that junction (sphincter). The nerves there register as a sensation higher in your chest and sometimes in your throat. When you get that feeling that there is something stuck in your throat (not choking obviously) and you take a drink of something to help push it through, it isnt actually in your throat. It’s pushing against the nerves at the bottom of your esophagus trying to get into your stomach.

Source: radiographer

Anonymous 0 Comments

What it really is, is acid in your esophagus. Since your esophagus (from your point of view) goes by your heart, that’s where the name comes from