ELI5-Why does laundry feel wetter in the dryer than in the washer?


Started noticing it ever since I’m doing my own laundry, when the spin cycle ends in the washer and you take out the clothes to move to the dryer, it feels like the clothes is almost dried completely. But after 30-40min in the dryer, you check on it thinking that it’s all nice and dry, it feels like water was added to it.
Does it have something to do with it heating up?

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It is because of the enviroment you are seeing these clothes in. If they are in the washer your brain expects them to be wet because a washer uses water so it has to be wet. On the other hand a dryer, where your brain expect it to be dry, the clothes feel alot more wet because your brain expects it to be dry. I read an article once about it. If I find it I link it here.