Eli5 why does motion make you feel sleepy?


Like while riding in a car, train or a plane, people doze off as the journey begins or during.

In: Biology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s not really the motion. But when you’re traveling, you’re often sitting or laying down for extended periods of time. It’s relatively boring, and you have a constant “white noise”.

Many people intentionally try to fall to sleep to make the trip go by faster. Traveling sucks.

Source: I travel about 200k miles a year.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’d assume it has a link to prenatal and neonatal stages of life. In the womb you are subject to moving around with your mother. Imitating this has a calming effect on newborns.

Some of these influences, while their potency is diminished, likely have an effect your entire life.

Similar to why we shush people who are crying or angry to calm them or might roll up into the fetal position after getting hurt.