eli5 why does our brain like the reward system?


eli5 why does our brain like the reward system?

In: Chemistry

2 Answers

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It is debatable egg or chicken comes first. But one way to think of it is the whole thing is just about unconditional reaction. Living creatures have basic needs like foods. When you satisfy that need your brain kicks in and say well this is good. And in the old days rewards usually comes in a form of satisfying these needs. It creates a chain of reaction where do-something-right => rewards => satisfaction.
With time although the rewards isn’t directly tied to our basic needs anymore, it is implicit and our brain predicts that there is satisfaction along the way, hence it likes it.

Everything comes down to satisfaction. It explains why you can encourage the rightness of actions through a reward system. Because we don’t really know what is “right or wrong” before hand, we act according to the awaited satisfaction. The reward is a bridge.

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